Jumat, 09 Februari 2018

Kisah Pemuda Saleh Pecinta Masjid Dan Iblis Yang Baik Hati

 Pada suatu hari di masa pemerintahan khalifah Umar Bin Khatab di kota Madinah. Seorang pemuda sudah bangun pagi-pagi buta untuk melaksanakan sholat Subuh berjamaah di Masjid Nabawi, Sang pemuda terkenal sebagai seorang yang saleh dan hatinya selalu ada di masjid. Setelah membersihkan diri dan mengenakan Pakaiannya, kemudian dia berangkat ke masjid. Dalam perjalanannya ke masjid, di tengah jalanan yang gelap dan hawa yang dingin menusuk tulang, tanpa disadari pemuda tersebut terjatuh ke dalam genangan air kotor dan berlumpur. Dan pakaiannya menjadi kotor.

Karena merasa bajunya basah dan kotor, ia segera bangun dari genangan air tersebut dan membersihkan diri sekedarnya, lalu kembali pulang. Sesampainya di rumah, dia kembali membersihkan badannya dan mengganti pakaiannya, lalu berangkat kembali ke masjid.

Dalam perjalanannya kembali ke masjid nabawi, karena jalanan begitu gelap, pemuda itu kembali terjatuh untuk kedua kalinya di tempat yang sama. Lalu dia bangun, membersihkan diri, dan pulang kembali. Sesampainya di rumah, sekali lagi, dia mengganti pakaiannya, lalu berangkat kembali ke masjid. Dalam perjalanan kembali ke masjid, dia bertemu seorang kakek tua yang membawa lampu di jalan yang dilaluinya.

Dia bertanya pada si pembawa lampu, dari mana dia. Dijawabnya, "Aku melihatmu terjatuh dua kali dalam perjalananmu ke masjid nabawi. Jadi aku membawakan lampu untuk menerangi jalanmu." Pemuda itu mengucapkan terimakasih banyak pada kakek tua si pembawa lampu. Lalu keduanya berjalan bersama ke masjid. Setibanya di masjid, pemuda itu mengajak kakek tua pembawa lampu untuk sholat subuh berjamaah dengannya. Tapi dia menolaknya. Pemuda saleh itu terus mengajaknya beberapa kali lagi, dan jawabannya tetap sama.

Dia menolaknya. Akhirnya pemuda saleh itupun bertanya mengapa dia tidak mau sholat bersamanya. Kakek Si pembawa lampu menjawab, "Aku adalah Iblis". Pemuda itu terkejut medengar jawabannya. Iblis lalu kemudian melanjutkan bahwa, "Aku melihatmu berangkat menuju ke masjid nabawi dan akulah yang membuatmu terjatuh." Lalu dia melanjutkan, " Ketika kau pulang, membersihkan diri dan berangkat kembali ke masjid, Allah SWT Tuhan Yang Maha Lembut & Maha Pengasih memaafkan dan mengampuni semua dosa-dosamu."

"Lalu aku menjatuhkanmu sekali lagi, tapi kau tidak tinggal di rumahmu, dan tetap berangkat kembali berangkat ke masjid. Karena itu, Tuhan Alam Semesta mengampuni semua dosa keluarga dan orang-orang yang tinggal di rumahmu." "Aku khawatir jika aku menjatuhkanmu lagi, Tuhan Yang Maha Perkasa & Maha Penyayang akan merahmati dan mengampuni dosa-dosa semua anggota masyarakat di desamu. Jadi aku memastikan engkau wahai pemuda saleh sampai ke masjid nabawi tanpa terjatuh. "

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018

Kisah Kehidupan Uwais Al-Qarni Sang Penghuni Langit Kekasih Tuhan Semesta Alam

Pada zaman Baginda Nabi Muhammad saw, ada seorang pemuda bermata biru, rambutnya merah, bidang dadanya lapang panjang, berpenampilan cukup tampan, kulitnya kemerah-merahan, wajahnya selalu melihat pada tempat sujudnya dan tangan kanannya menumpang pada tangan kirinya.
Pemuda ini tidak pernah lalai dari membaca al-Quran dan senantiasa menangis. Pakaiannya hanya dua helai saja, sudah terlalu lusuh untuk dipakai sehingga tidak akan ada orang yang menghiraukannya.

Beliau tidak dikenal oleh penduduk bumi akan tetapi sangat terkenal di langit. Pemuda ini, jika bersumpah demi Allah pasti terkabul.
Dia adalah Uwais al-Qarni. Beliau tidak dikenali dan miskin malah banyak orang yang suka mentertawakannya, mengejek-ejeknya, dan menuduhnya sebagai pencuri serta bermacam lagi penghinaan dilemparkan kepadanya.

Pemuda dari Yaman ini telah lama menjadi yatim, tidak mempunyai saudara mara kecuali hanya ibunya yang telah tua dan lumpuh. Untuk menyara kehidupan sehari-hari, Uwais bekerja sebagai penggembala kambing.

Upah yang diterimanya hanya cukup untuk kehidupan harian bersama ibunya.Jika ada uang lebihan, beliau akan membantu tetangganya yang hidup miskin dan serba kekurangan seperti keadaannya. Walaupun dalam keadaan serba payah, beliau tidak pernah lalai dalam mengerjakan ibadahnya, sedikit pun tidak berkurang.

Sepanjang hidupnya, beliau melakukan puasa di siang hari dan bermunajat di malam harinya. Uwais al-Qarni telah memeluk Islam pada masa negeri Yaman mendengar seruan Nabi Muhammad saw yang telah mengetuk pintu hati mereka untuk menyembah Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, yang tidak ada sekutu bagi-Nya.

Peraturan-peraturan yang terdapat di dalam agama Islam sangat menarik hati Uwais dan apabila seruan Islam datang di negeri Yaman, beliau segera memeluknya. Banyak rekan-rekannya yang telah memeluk Islam, pergi ke Madinah untuk mendengar secara langsung dakwah Nabi Muhammad saw.
Hati Uwais juga meronta-ronta untuk ke Madinah bertemu kekasih Allah, penghulu para Nabi tetapi beliau tidak mampu karena tidak mempunyai bekal yang cukup untuk sampai kesana. Apa lagi beliau perlu menjaga ibunya. Jika beliau pergi, siapa pula yang akan melihat ibunya.
Dikisahkan ketika terjadi perang Uhud, Rasulullah saw mengalami cidera dan giginya patah karena dilempari batu oleh musuh-musuhnya.

Berita ini akhirnya sampai kepada Uwais. Lalu ia segera memukul giginya dengan batu hingga patah. Hal tersebut dilakukan sebagai bukti kecintaannya kepada baginda saw, sekalipun beliau belum pernah melihat Rasulullah saw. 

Hari berganti hari dan musim pun berlalu, kerinduannya terhadap Rasulullah tak dapat dibendung lagi. Uwais merenungkan diri dan bertanya dalam hati, bisakah dirinya baru dapat menziarahi Nabi saw dan memandang wajah beliau dari dekat?

Akhirnya, pada suatu hari Uwais mendekati ibunya, mengeluarkan isi hatinya dan memohon izin kepada ibunya agar diperkenankan pergi menziarahi Nabi saw di Madinah.
Sang ibu, walaupun telah uzur, merasa terharu ketika mendengar permohonan anaknya. Beliau memahami perasaan Uwais, dan berkata,

Pergilah wahai anakku! Temuilah Nabi dirumahnya. Dan bila telah berjumpa, segeralah engkau kembali pulang.

Dengan perasaan gembira yang amat sangat, Uwais berkemas untuk berangkat dan sebelum pergi, beliau menyiapkan keperluan ibunya yang akan ditinggalkan serta berpesan kepada tetangganya agar dapat menemani ibunya sepanjang kepergian beliau. Sesudah mencium tangan ibunya yang tercinta, berangkatlah Uwais menuju ke Madinah yang jaraknya sekitar empat ratus kilometer dari Yaman.
Dengan waktu yang cukup lama akhirnya tibalah Uwais al-Qarni di kota Madinah. Segeralah ia menuju ke rumah Nabi saw, diketuknya pintu rumah itu sambil mengucapkan salam. Keluarlah Sayyidatina Aisyah r.a., sambil menjawab salam Uwais. Segera saja Uwais menanyakan Nabi saw yang ingin ditemuinya.

Namun ternyata baginda saw tidak berada di rumah melainkan berada di medan perang. Betapa kecewa hati sang perindu, dari jauh ingin berjumpa tetapi yang dirindukannya tidak berada di rumah. Dalam hatinya bergolak perasaan ingin menunggu kedatangan Nabi saw dari medan perang. Tapi, beliau teringat akan pesan ibunya sudah tua dan senantiasa dalam keadaan tidak sehat itu, agar ia cepat pulang ke Yaman, Engkau harus lekas pulang. Disebabkan ketaatan kepada ibunya, pesanan ibunya itu telah mengalahkan suara hati untuk menunggu Nabi saw.

Ia akhirnya memohon kepada Sayyidatina Aisyah r.a. untuk pulang kembali ke Yaman. Uwais lalu menitipkan salamnya kepada Nabi saw dan melangkah pulang dengan perasaan hampa karena tidak dapat bertemu dengan Kekasih Allah.

Sepulangnya dari perang, Nabi saw langsung bertanya tentang kedatangan orang yang mencarinya. Nabi Muhammad saw menjelaskan bahwa Uwais al-Qarni adalah anak yang taat kepada ibunya. Beliau adalah penghuni langit (sangat terkenal di langit).

Mendengar perkataan baginda Rasulullah saw, Sayyidatina Aisyah r.a. dan para sahabatnya tertegun seketika. Lalu kata Sayyidatina Aisyah r.a., memang benar sebelum ini ada seseorang telah datang mencari Rasulullah saw tetapi orang itu segera pulang ke Yaman, kerana teringat akan ibunya yang sudah tua dan sakit sehinggakan beliau bimbang meninggalkan ibunya terlalu lama.

Rasulullah saw bersabda : Kalau kalian ingin berjumpa dengan dia (Uwais al-Qarni), perhatikanlah bahawa ia mempunyai tanda putih di tengah-tengah telapak tangannya. Sesudah itu baginda saw, memandang kepada Sayyidina Ali k.w. dan Sayyidina Umar r.a. lalu bersabda: Apabila kalian bertemu dengan dia, mintalah doa dan istighfarnya untuk kalian karena dia adalah penghuni langit dan bukan penghuni bumi.

Tahun berganti tahun dan Umar r.a menjadi khalifah kedua menggantikan Abu Bakar As-Siddiq yang telah wafat. Abu Bakar dipilih menjadi khalifah selepas Rasulullah saw wafat.
Suatu ketika, khalifah Umar teringat akan sabda Nabi saw tentang Uwais al-Qarni, sang penghuni langit. Beliau segera mengingatkan sahabatnya, Sayyidina Ali k.w. untuk mencari Uwais bersama.
Sejak itu, setiap kali ada kafilah yang datang dari Yaman, mereka berdua akan bertanya tentang Uwais al-Qarni, apakah ia turut bersama mereka. Diantara kafilah-kafilah itu ada yang merasa heran, apakah sebenarnya yang dicari oleh kedua-dua sahabat besar itu. Rombongan kafilah dari Yaman menuju ke Syam silih berganti membawa barang dagangan mereka.

Suatu ketika, Uwais al-Qarni turut bersama rombongan kafilah menuju kota Madinah. Melihat ada rombongan kafilah yang datang dari Yaman, bersegeralah khalifah Umar r.a. dan Sayyidina Ali r.a. mendatangi mereka dan menanyakan apakah Uwais turut bersama mereka.

Rombongan itu mengatakan bahwa ia ada bersama mereka dan sedang menjaga unta-unta mereka di perbatasan kota. Mendengar jawapan itu, mereka berdua bergegas menemui Uwais al-Qarni. Sesampainya di tempat Uwais, Khalifah Umar r.a. dan Sayyidina Ali r.a memberi salam. Namun rupanya Uwais sedang melaksanakan solat. Setelah mengakhiri solatnya, Uwais menjawab salam kedua tamu agung tersebut sambil bersalaman.

Sewaktu berjabatan, Khalifah Umar segera membalikkan tangan Uwais, untuk membuktikan kebenaran tanda putih yang berada ditelapak tangan Uwais, sebagaimana pernah disabdakan oleh baginda Nabi saw. Memang benar! Dia penghuni langit. Dan ditanya Uwais oleh kedua tamu tersebut, Siapakah nama saudara? Lalu jawab Uwais, Abdullah. Mendengar jawaban itu, kedua sahabat itupun tertawa dan mengatakan : Kami juga Abdullah, yakni hamba Allah. Tapi siapakah namamu yang sebenarnya ?

Uwais kemudian berkata: Nama saya Uwais al-Qarni. Sepanjang perkenalan mereka, tahulah mereka bahwa ibu Uwais telah meninggal dunia. Itulah sebabnya, beliau baru dapat turut serta bersama rombongan kafilah dagang itu.

Akhirnya, Khalifah Umar dan Ali k.w. memohon agar Uwais berkenan mendoâkan untuk mereka. Uwais enggan dan dia berkata kepada khalifah: Sayalah yang harus meminta doa dari kalian. Mendengar perkataan Uwais, Khalifah berkata: Kami datang ke sini untuk mohon doa dan istighfar dari tuan.

Disebabkan didesak oleh dua sahabat besar ini, Uwais al-Qarni akhirnya mengangkat kedua belah tangannya lalu berdoa dan membacakan istighfar. Setelah itu Khalifah Umar r.a. berjanji untuk memberinya uang negara dari Baitul Mal kepada Uwais sebagai biaya hidupnya. Uwais menolaknya dengan lembut dengan berkata: Hamba mohon supaya hari ini saja hamba diketahui orang. Untuk hari-hari selanjutnya, biarlah hamba yang fakir ini tidak diketahui orang lagi.

Setelah kejadian itu, nama Uwais kembali tenggelam dan tidak langsung terdengar beritanya. Tapi diriwayatkan ada seorang lelaki pernah bertemu dan dibantu oleh Uwais. Kata orang itu, waktu itu kami sedang berada di atas kapal menuju ke tanah Arab bersama para pedagang, tanpa disangka-sangka angin ribut bertiup dengan kencang. Akibatnya hempasan ombak menghantam kapal kami sehingga air laut masuk ke dalam kapal dan menyebabkan kapal semakin berat.

Pada saat itu, kami melihat seorang lelaki yang mengenakan selimut berbulu di berada di satu sudut kapal lalu kami memanggilnya. Lelaki itu bangun lalu melakukan solat di atas air.
Betapa terkejutnya kami melihat kejadian itu. Wahai waliyullah, Tolonglah kami! Tetapi lelaki itu tidak menoleh. Lalu kami berseru lagi, Demi Zat yang telah memberimu kekuatan beribadah, tolonglah kami! Lelaki itu menoleh kepada kami dan berkata: Apa yang terjadi? Tidakkah engkau melihat bahwa kapal dibadai ribut dan dihantam ombak ? tanya kami.

Dekatkanlah diri kalian pada Allah ! katanya. Kami telah melakukannya. Keluarlah kalian dari kapal dengan membaca bismillahirrahmaanirrahiim! Kami pun keluar dari kapal satu persatu dan berkumpul di dekat itu. Pada saat itu jumlah kami lima ratus jiwa lebih. Sungguh ajaib, kami semua tidak tenggelam, sedangkan perahu kami yang lain tenggelam ke dasar laut bersama isinya.
Lalu orang itu berkata pada kami , Tidak mengapalah harta kalian menjadi korban asalkan kalian semua selamat. Demi Allah, kami ingin tahu, siapakah nama Tuan ? Tanya kami.

Uwais al-Qarni. Jawabnya dengan singkat. Kemudian kami berkata lagi kepadanya, Sesungguhnya harta yang ada di kapal tersebut adalah milik orang-orang fakir di Madinah yang dikirim oleh orang Mesir. Jika Allah mengembalikan harta kalian. Apakah kalian akan membagi-bagikannya kepada orang-orang fakir di Madinah? tanya Uwais.

Ya,jawab kami. Orang itu pun melaksanakan solat dua rakaat di atas air, lalu berdoa. Setelah Uwais al-Qarni mengucap salam, tiba-tiba kapal itu muncul ke permukaan air, lalu kami menaikinya dan meneruskan perjalanan. Setibanya di Madinah, kami membagi-bagikan seluruh harta kepada orang-orang fakir di Madinah sehingga tidak ada satupun yang tertinggal.

Beberapa waktu kemudian, tersiarlah khabar bahawa Uwais al-Qarni telah pulang ke rahmatullah. Anehnya, pada saat dia hendak dimandikan tiba-tiba terlalu banyak orang yang berebut hendak memandikannya. Dan ketika dibawa ke tempat pembaringan untuk dikafankan, begitu ramai orang yang menunggu untuk mengkapannya. Demikian pula ketika orang pergi hendak menggali kuburnya. Di sana ternyata sudah ada orang-orang yang menggali kuburnya hingga selesai.

Ketika usungan dibawa menuju ke perkuburan, luar biasa banyaknya orang yang berebut hendak mengusungnya.

Meninggalnya Uwais al-Qarni telah menggemparkan masyarakat kota Yaman. Banyak terjadi hal-hal yang amat mengherankan penduduk Yaman. Sedemikian banyaknya orang yang tak dikenali datang untuk mengurus jenazah dan pemakamannya, padahal Uwais adalah seorang fakir yang tidak dihiraukan orang.

Sejak ia dimandikan sampailah ketika jenazahnya hendak diturunkan ke dalam kubur, ada saja orang-orang yang telah siap melaksanakannya terlebih dahulu.

Penduduk kota Yaman tercengang. Mereka tertanya-tanya: Siapakah sebenarnya engkau wahai Uwais al-Qarni ? Bukankah Uwais yang kita kenal, hanyalah seorang fakir yang tidak memiliki apa-apa, yang kerjanya hanyalah sebagai penggembala kambing dan unta? Tetapi, ketika hari wafatmu, engkau telah menggemparkan penduduk Yaman dengan hadirnya manusia-manusia asing yang tidak pernah kami kenal.

Mereka datang dalam jumlah sedemikian banyaknya. Agaknya mereka adalah para malaikat yang diturunkan ke bumi, hanya untuk mengurus jenazah dan pemakamannya. Baru saat itulah penduduk Yaman mengetahui siapa Uwais al-Qarni yang ternyata tidak terkenal di bumi tapi terkenal di langit.

Arabic Folklore The Queen & The Young Man Who Never Laughed

There was a man, of those possessed of houses and riches, who had wealth and servants and slaves and other possessions; and he departed from the world to receive the mercy of God (whose name be exalted!), leaving a young son. And when the son grew up, he took to eating and drinking, and the hearing of instruments of music and songs, and was liberal and gave gifts, and expended the riches that his father had left to him until all the wealth had gone. He then betook himself to the sale of the male black slaves, and the female slaves, and other possessions, and expended all that he had of his father’s wealth and other things, and became so poor that he worked with the labourers. In this state he remained for a period of years. While he was sitting one day beneath a wall, waiting to see who would hire him, lo! a man of comely countenance and apparel drew near to him and saluted him. So the youth said to him, “O uncle, hast thou known me before now?” The man answered him, “I have not known thee, O my son, at all; but I see the traces of affluence upon thee, though thou art in this condition.” The young man replied, “O uncle, what fate and destiny have ordained hath come to pass. But hast thou, O uncle, O comely-faced, any business in which to employ me?” The man said to him, “O my son, I desire to employ thee in an easy business.” The youth asked, “And what is it, O uncle?” And the man answered him, “I have with me ten sheykhs in one abode, and we have no one to perform our wants. Thou shalt receive from us, of food and clothing, what will suffice thee, and shalt serve us, and thou shalt receive of us thy portion of benefits and money. Perhaps, also, God will restore to thee thine affluence by our means.” The youth therefore replied, “I hear and obey.” The sheykh then said to him, “I have a condition to impose upon thee.” “And what is thy condition, O uncle?” asked the youth. He answered him, “O my son, it is that thou keep our secret with respect to the things that thou shalt see us do; and when thou seest us weep, that thou ask us not respecting the cause of our weeping.” And the young man replied, “Well, O uncle.”

So the sheykh said to him, “O my son, come with us, relying on the blessing of God (whose name be exalted!).” And the young man followed the sheykh until the latter conducted him to the bath; after which he sent a man, who brought him a comely garment of linen, and he clad him with it, and went with him to his abode and his associates. And when the young man entered, he found it to be a high mansion, with lofty angles, ample, with chambers facing one another, and saloons; and in each saloon was a fountain of water, and birds were warbling over it, and there were windows overlooking, on every side, a beautiful garden within the mansion. The sheykh conducted him into one of the chambers, and he found it decorated with coloured marbles, and its ceiling ornamented with blue and brilliant gold, and it was spread with carpets of silk; and he found in it ten sheykhs sitting facing one another, wearing the garments of mourning, weeping, and wailing. So the young man wondered at their case, and was about to question the sheykh who had brought him, but he remembered the condition, and therefore withheld his tongue. Then the sheykh committed to the young man a chest, containing thirty thousand pieces of gold, saying to him, “O my son, expend upon us out of this chest, and upon thyself, according to what is just, and be thou faithful, and take care of that wherewith I have intrusted thee.” And the young man replied, “I hear and obey.” He continued to expend upon them for a period of days and nights, after which one of them died; whereupon his companions took him, and washed him and shrouded him, and buried him in a garden behind the mansion. And death ceased not to take of them one after another, until there remained only the sheykh who had hired the young man. So he remained with the young man in that mansion, and there was not with them a third; and they remained thus for a period of years. Then the sheykh fell sick; and when the young man despaired of his life, he addressed him with courtesy, and was grieved for him, and said to him, “O uncle, I have served you, and not failed in your service one hour for a period of twelve years, but have acted faithfully to you, and served you according to my power and ability.” The sheykh replied, “Yes, O my son, thou hast served us until these sheykhs have been taken unto God (to whom be ascribed might and glory!), and we must inevitably die.” And the young man said, “O my master, thou art in a state of peril, and I desire of thee that thou inform me what hath been the cause of your weeping, and the continuance of your wailing and your mourning and your sorrow.” He replied, “O my son, thou hast no concern with that, and require me not to do what I am unable; for I have begged God (whose name be exalted!) not to afflict any one with my affliction. Now if thou desire to be safe from that into which we have fallen, open not that door,” and he pointed to it with his hand, and cautioned him against it; “and if thou desire that what hath befallen us should befall thee, open it, and thou wilt know the cause of that which thou hast beheld in our conduct; but thou wilt repent, when repentance will not avail thee.” Then the illness increased upon the sheykh, and he died; and the young man washed him with his own hands, and shrouded him, and buried him by his companions.

He remained in that place, possessing it and all the treasure; but notwithstanding this, he was uneasy, reflecting upon the conduct of the sheykhs. And while he was meditating one day upon the words of the sheykh, and his charge to him not to open the door, it occurred to his mind that he might look at it. So he went in that direction, and searched until he saw an elegant door, over which the spider had woven its webs, and upon it were four locks of steel. When he beheld it, he remembered how the sheykh had cautioned him, and he departed from it. His soul desired him to open the door, and he restrained it during a period of seven days; but on the eighth day his soul overcame him, and he said, “I must open that door, and see what will happen to me in consequence; for nothing will repel what God (whose name be exalted!) decreeth and predestineth, and no event will happen but by His will.” Accordingly he arose and opened the door, after he had broken the locks. And when he had opened the door he saw a narrow passage, along which he walked for the space of three hours; and lo! he came forth upon the bank of a great river. At this the young man wondered. And he walked along the bank, looking to the right and left; and behold! a great eagle descended from the sky, and taking up the young man with its talons, it flew with him, between heaven and earth, until it conveyed him to an island in the midst of the sea. There it threw him down, and departed from him.

So the young man was perplexed at his case, not knowing whither to go; but while he was sitting one day, lo! the sail of a vessel appeared to him upon the sea, like the star in the sky; wherefore the heart of the young man became intent upon the vessel, in the hope that his escape might be effected in it. He continued looking at it until it came near unto him; and when it arrived, he beheld a bark of ivory and ebony, the oars of which were of sandal-wood and aloes-wood, and the whole of it was encased with plates of brilliant gold. There were also in it ten damsels, virgins, like moons. When the damsels saw him, they landed to him from the bark, and kissed his hands, saying to him, “Thou art the king, the bridegroom.” Then there advanced to him a damsel who was like the shining sun in the clear sky, having in her hand a kerchief of silk, in which were a royal robe, and a crown of gold set with varieties of jacinths. Having advanced to him, she clad him and crowned him; after which the damsels carried him in their arms to the bark, and he found in it varieties of carpets of silk of divers colours. They then spread the sails, and proceeded over the depths of the sea.

“Now when I proceeded with them,” says the young man, “I felt sure that this was a dream, and knew not whither they were going with me. And when they came in sight of the land, I beheld it filled with troops, the number of which none knew but God (whose perfection be extolled, and whose name be exalted!) clad in coats of mail. They brought forward to me five marked horses, with saddles of gold, set with varieties of pearls and precious stones; and I took a horse from among these and mounted it. The four others proceeded with me; and when I mounted, the ensigns and banners were set up over my head, the drums and the cymbals were beaten, and the troops disposed themselves in two divisions, right and left. I wavered in opinion as to whether I were asleep or awake, and ceased not to advance, not believing in the reality of my stately procession, but imagining that it was the result of confused dreams, until we came in sight of a verdant meadow, in which were palaces and gardens, and trees and rivers and flowers, and birds proclaiming the perfection of God, the One, the Omnipotent. And now there came forth an army from among those palaces and gardens, like the torrent when it poureth down, until it filled the meadow. When the troops drew near to me, they hailed, and lo! a king advanced from among them, riding alone, preceded by some of his chief officers walking.”

The king, on approaching the young man, alighted from his courser; and the young man, seeing him do so, alighted also; and they saluted each other with the most courteous salutation. Then they mounted their horses again, and the king said to the young man, “Accompany us; for thou art my guest.” So the young man proceeded with him, and they conversed together, while the stately trains in orderly disposition went on before them to the palace of the king, where they alighted, and all of them entered, together with the king and the young man, the young man’s hand being in the hand of the king, who thereupon seated him on the throne of gold and seated himself beside him. When the king removed the litham from his face, lo! this supposed king was a damsel, like the shining sun in the clear sky, a lady of beauty and loveliness, and elegance and perfection, and conceit and amorous dissimulation. The young man beheld vast affluence and great prosperity, and wondered at the beauty and loveliness of the damsel. Then the damsel said to him, “Know, O king, that I am the queen of this land, and all these troops that thou hast seen, including every one, whether of cavalry or infantry, are women. There are not among them any men. The men among us, in this land, till and sow and reap, employing themselves in the cultivation of the land, and the building and repairing of the towns, and in attending to the affairs of the people, by the pursuit of every kind of art and trade; but as to the women, they are the governors and magistrates and soldiers.” And the young man wondered at this extremely. And while they were thus conversing, the vizier entered; and lo! she was a grey-haired old woman, having a numerous retinue, of venerable and dignified appearance; and the queen said to her, “Bring to us the Kádee and the witnesses.” So the old woman went for that purpose. And the queen turned towards the young man, conversing with him and cheering him, and dispelling his fear by kind words; and, addressing him courteously, she said to him, “Art thou content for me to be thy wife?” And thereupon he arose and kissed the ground before her; but she forbade him; and he replied, “O my mistress, I am less than the servants who serve thee.” She then said to him, “Seest thou not these servants and soldiers and wealth and treasures and hoards?” He answered her, “Yes.” And she said to him, “All these are at thy disposal; thou shalt make use of them, and give and bestow as seemeth fit to thee.” Then she pointed to a closed door, and said to him, “All these things thou shalt dispose of; but this door thou shalt not open; for if thou open it, thou wilt repent, when repentance will not avail thee.” Her words were not ended when the vizier, with the Kádee and the witnesses, entered, and all of them were old women, with their hair spreading over their shoulders, and of venerable and dignified appearance. When they came before the queen, she ordered them to perform the ceremony of the marriage-contract. So they married her to the young man. And she prepared the banquets and collected the troops; and when they had eaten and drunk, the young man took her as his wife. And he resided with her seven years, passing the most delightful, comfortable, and agreeable life.

But he meditated one day upon opening the door, and said, “Were it not that there are within it great treasures, better than what I have seen, she had not prohibited me from opening it.” He then arose and opened the door, and lo! within it was the bird that had carried him from the shore of the great river, and deposited him upon the island. When the bird beheld him, it said to him, “No welcome to a face that will never be happy!” So, when he saw it and heard its words, he fled from it; but it followed him and carried him off, and flew with him between heaven and earth for the space of an hour, and at length deposited him in the place from which it had carried him away; after which it disappeared. He thereupon sat in that place, and, returning to his reason, he reflected upon what he had seen of affluence and glory and honour, and the riding of the troops before him, and commanding and forbidding; and he wept and wailed. He remained upon the shore of the great river, where that bird had put him, for the space of two months, wishing that he might return to his wife; but while he was one night awake, mourning and meditating, some one spoke (and he heard his voice, but saw not his person), calling out, “How great were the delights! Far, far from thee is the return of what is passed! And how many therefore will be the sighs!” So when the young man heard it, he despaired of meeting again that queen, and of the return to him of the affluence in which he had been living. He then entered the mansion where the sheykhs had resided, and knew that they had experienced the like of that which had happened unto him, and that this was the cause of their weeping and their mourning; wherefore he excused them. Grief and anxiety came upon the young man, and he entered his chamber, and ceased not to weep and moan, relinquishing food and drink and pleasant scents and laughter, until he died; and he was buried by the side of the sheykhs.